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Google Scholar Page

Peer Reviewed Publications

Combrink, L. L., Brummet, L. J., Bronikowski, A. M., Miller, D. A., & Sparkman, A.M. (2021). Current and Time-Lagged Effects of Climate on Innate Immunity in Two Sympatric Snake Species. Ecology and Evolution.

Evans, K. E., Brummett, L., Combrink, L., Holden, K., Catalina, G., Farrar, S., ... & Sparkman, A. M. (2021). Embryonic heart rate correlates with maternal temperature and developmental stage in viviparous snakes. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 253, 110874.

Sparkman, A. M., Clark, A. D., Brummett, L. J., Chism, K. R., Combrink, L. L., Kabey, N. M., & Schwartz, T. S. (2018). Convergence in reduced body size, head size, and blood glucose in three island reptiles. Ecology and Evolution, 8(12), 6169-6182.

Sparkman, A. M., Chism, K. R., Bronikowski, A. M., Brummett, L. J., Combrink, L. L., Davis, C. L., Holden, K.G., Kabey, N. M., & Miller, D. A. (2018). Use of field‐portable ultrasonography reveals differences in developmental phenology and maternal egg provisioning in two sympatric viviparous snakes. Ecology and Evolution, 8(6), 3330-3340.

Publications in Preparation

Combrink, L. L., Walters, A., Krist, A., Buerkle, A. Shuman, B., & Wagner, C.E. (2022). Eco-evolutionary feedback drives rapid adaptation of trout introduced to a novel ecosystem. In preparation.

Combrink, L. L., Walters, A., Krist, A., Buerkle, A. Shuman, B., & Wagner, C.E. (2022). Stable isotope analysis reveals intraspecific dietary niche partition of stocked trout in high-elevation alpine lakes. In preparation.

Brummet, L. J.*, Combrink, L. L.*, & Sparkman, A.M. (2022). Bradycardia during voluntary submergence in two species of semi-aquatic garter snakes. In preparation.

* Both authors share first authorship

Scientific Presentations

2021 American Fisheries Society Colorado/Wyoming Chapter Annual Meeting: The Tempo of Ecological and Evolutionary Change: Response to Trout Introduction in Alpine Lakes of the Wind River Range, WY, February 23, 2021, 10-minute presentation.

2021 Virtual Evolution Conference Annual Meeting: The Tempo of Ecological and Evolutionary Change: Response to Trout Introduction in Alpine Lakes of the Wind River Range, WY, June 21, 2021, 10-minute presentation.

2021 Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting: The Tempo of Ecological and Evolutionary Change: Response to Trout Introduction in Alpine Lakes of the Wind River Range, WY, May 2021, 10-minute presentation.

2020 Annual PiE (Program in Ecology) Symposium : The Tempo of Ecological and Evolutionary Change: Response to Trout Introduction in Alpine Lakes of the Wind River Range, WY, February 19, 2021, 3-minute thesis presentation competition.

2019 Major Honors Thesis Defense, Current and Time-Lagged Effects of Climate on Innate Immunity in Two Sympatric Snake Species. Spring 2019, 40-minute thesis presentation.

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